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The Calathea Ornata is an almost instant sell out every time we get them in.  With their dark green leaves and delicate pink stripes it's easy to see why.  They can be tricky but with these instructions you should have a thriving plant

Ornata 1.jpg

 Like most Calathea's they like their soil to be consistently moist but not soggy. Only let the top       5cm of soil dry out before watering. Little and often is the best way to water Calathea.


 Your Ornata will thrive in medium to bright indirect light.  Do not let direct sunlight shine onto   the leaves as this will burn them.

 Feed fortnightly with a diluted houseplant fertiliser during the Spring and Summer months         only.

 As they do not like to dry out, Calathea like a soil mix that retains moisture but also allows       good aeration for their delicate roots.  Visit our soil bar for a coco coir based mix with the
addition of vermiculite, perlite and worm castings.

 Keep away from open winter windows and cold draughts, similarly as they are humidity lovers   don't let them sit too close to radiators.

 Calathea are ideal bathroom or kitchen plants as they love humidity.  You can also increase           humidity by grouping plants together or running a humidifier.

 Calathea Ornata are considered non toxic to humans, dogs and cats.

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