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Striking pink, green and cream leaves are the characteristics of this lovely plant.  They are a member of the Prayer Plant family, so called as the leaves will move up at night and down towards the light during the day.  

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Triostar like to be consistently moist soil but without allowing the roots to be   waterlogged, little and often is the best method.  Triostar can be sensitive to the chemicals in tap water so if possible use rain water or leave your tap water to sit uncovered for 24 hours as this will allow some of the chemicals to evaporate.

 Bright indirect light or dappled light is best for a Calathea Triostar. Don't let direct sunlight shine on the leaves as this will burn them.

 Feed every 2 weeks with diluted standard houseplant fertiliser during Spring and Summer.

Your like a soil that drains well so that the delicate roots don't become too  waterlogged but one that also retains moisture to mimic the damp rainforest floor  conditions that they are native to.  Visit our soil bar for coco coir and vermiculite
to add to a standard soil mix.


Triostar are ok in standard household temperatures, but prefer it to be warm. It is best not to let them get below 15C.  During the winter make sure they are not too close to warm radiators. 

High humidity is the key to keeping this plant happy. Use a humidifier or a pebble tray to achieve this. Grouping plants together also helps with increasing humidity.

Triostar are safe around pets and kids.


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